Recording of online lectures

Consent to recording by the presenters

If the recording is made by the lecturer himself/herself, no declaration of consent is required.

Recording of the course by other persons, e.g. students, is generally prohibited and only permitted with the express permission of the lecturer.

Consent to recording by students

Consent to recording by students

Recording is only possible without consent if it is ensured that no students appear in the picture and/or sound.

Otherwise, students must always consent to the recording and may not be excluded from the course for lack of consent. Consent must be obtained BEFORE starting the recording.

In any case, information about the recording must be provided before it starts (what is being recorded, when and for what purpose, where the recording will be published, etc.).

Recordings without student participation in image and/or sound deactivate image and sound of students in zoom

The initial switching off of the video and/or sound transmission by the participants is not sufficient here! It is absolutely necessary to technically prevent students from activating their video or microphone themselves. To do this, you can deactivate the display of other participants' camera images in the browser via a menu item at the bottom of the screen ("disable video receiving"). In the Zoom client, you can prohibit participants from activating the camera and microphone under the menu item "Security".

In addition to sound and images, the names under which the students joined the meeting and the avatar image are also personal information that may not be recorded. Students are to be informed before each meeting that no real names or their own pictures are to be used as avatars. Students who nevertheless use their own names or images do so knowingly and it therefore counts as consent.

Recordings with student participation in image and/or sound

Since it would not be practical to obtain written consent from all participants before each course, the following procedure should be observed:

  •     Information about the recording and the associated processing of personal data is made available to the students as a document (declaration of consent for video recording) (e.g. in the Moodle of the course).
  •     Start the meeting with the participants' camera and audio transmission switched off.
  •     Notice of the planned recording including the following aspects: Students are not required to transmit their video, microphone, clear name or image. The transmission is deactivated and those who do not want to be recorded do not activate the transmission. Those who agree to become part of the recording read the document with the information (give a hint about the storage location) and then give consent to the recording by activating the image, video or sound.
  •     Then the teacher activates the recording. This can now be used for the purposes stated in the document.

Depending on the type of course, students should be allowed to ask questions without being recorded. This could be done by allowing time after the recording has been switched off or by providing alternative channels that are not recorded. For example, if it is a chat, the teacher can pick up the questions without giving the names of the questioners.

Last Modification: 09.11.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster